Parent Child MCTAGS Message

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Parent Child MCTAGS Message

Postby blackws69 » 01 Apr 2015, 07:32

Any one have any infor on the parent child relationship for the MCTAGS to the vehicle. This question just came up today and I was asked and I need something to quote saying this is why it needs to be childed to the vehicle. I also know that there isn't a S/N to the turrets. Thanks y'all.
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Re: Parent Child MCTAGS Message

Postby SUPERMOD » 01 Apr 2015, 12:23

I don't know the answer to this question, but fear not...we have some super GCSS studs on here that will get to it soon. keep checking in.

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Re: Parent Child MCTAGS Message

Postby CF_Mongrel » 01 Apr 2015, 14:56

I saw some traffic on the PM office working on pushing out data plates for the MCTAGS. Once this is done you will simply build the relationship. Some things you can do to ready your unit for this is to ensure that you have a 100% accurate listing of all equipment S/N's with MCTAGS; then get with your MT Chief at the G4 about what their process will be for applying the data plates when they arrive. There will more than likely be a team of contractors that will come through to apply them.

DO NOT locally generate or GCSS generate a serial number for the MCTAGS unless you see a message to so; it will fucker things up and cause more work.

Hope this helps
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Re: Parent Child MCTAGS Message

Postby blackws69 » 02 Apr 2015, 03:41

I'm not creating a s/n most of my turrets are already child or associated to a vehicle. I was looking for any traffic that stated that they had to be done that way.
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Re: Parent Child MCTAGS Message

Postby blackws69 » 02 Apr 2015, 05:46

So after some more digging, the turrets are considered SSRI so the UM states it needs to be associated to the vehicle. Thanks for the help
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Re: Parent Child MCTAGS Message

Postby SUPERMOD » 02 Apr 2015, 06:25

yeah man. thanks for checking in on the site! your turn to go answer some questions people have on here.

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Re: Parent Child MCTAGS Message

Postby Petz » 05 Apr 2015, 00:56

What TAMCN are you seeing them loaded as? Many of the MCTAGS are just installed onto the vehicles by the program office and nothing was generated in GCSS (Cutover didn't generate anything in the system).

My understanding when I inquired in 2011-12 was that the expectation was that armored assets were meant to have the turrets installed. This of course could have changed as MSgt Elliott has pointed out.

Which vehicles are we talking about?
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Re: Parent Child MCTAGS Message

Postby Chaotic » 07 Apr 2015, 10:48

following.. parent/child on turrets?
don't know much about it..
I can tell you that most of the time . you will get a message from G4 letting you know that it needs to be done..
the TAV msg should be all you need.. but before doing a p/c need to make sure you get with the SUPO/MMO and the RO needs to submit to the AO.. so with all that.. there will be a checks and balances.. d8/d9 might need to be done if the item needs to be created or moved into a child state.. also it might not need to be associated if the item doesn't need a SN.. it can be just like any other secrep.... but I would assume that the item in question needs to be accounted for somehow.. if the base tam has a turret then it doesn't need to be accounted for .. kinda like a mk27 and mk28... the 28 doesn't have to have a winch added... its part of the nomenclature.. my $.02.. like I said I don't really know much about the p/c when it comes to turrets..
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